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Since foundation in March 1943
XCMG has always kept its leading role in Chinese construction machinery industry.
  • Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Global
    Our Mission Vision
    Empower Solid Future
  • Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Global
    Our Core Values
    Responsibility Virtue Fortitude
  • Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Global
    Our Spirits
    Questioning Spirit to Develop Critical Thinking
    Revolutionary Spirit on Self-reflection
    Innovative Spirit to Seek and Adapt to Changes
    Persevering Spirit to Overcome Challenges
Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Global
Global Employee Code of Conduct
Create Value for Clients;Create Value for Stakeholders;Create Value for Society;Be Dependable;Be ResponsibleBe Upright and Innovative;Be Open and Inclusive;Pursue Excellence;Be Long-term Oriented;Embrace Win-win Cooperation.
Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Global
Management Mottos
Work Hard\Act Responsibly\Stay Fair\Maintain Integrity
Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Global
Our Slogan
Solid to Succeed
Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Global
Continuous Learning\Quality First\Creativity and Innovation\Performance-driven\Process Management\Data-driven\Safety First
Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Global